Patchouli oil was first used in Asia and throughout history for its proven healing qualities More recently people in the west have become aware of those healing properties and the popularity of patchouli has spread worldwide It boosts the immune system to help with overall health It is particularly good for the skin It can be used to heal acne, sores and dandruff It has natural anti-inflammatory and anti-itch properties that help with a variety of skin irritations such as eczema It has antioxidants and anti-aging properties that improve the appearance of skin It minimizes scares and acne It strengthens and improves the appearance of hair It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and helps prevent infections It even makes a good natural deodorant Who doesn't love the clean, sweet, refreshing scent and taste of mint? It is an instant boost to the senses It is perfect for a wide array of things from toothpaste to ice cream to candy to flavoring a dish of lamb The benefits of mint go beyond flavor and scent as well It has a number of health benefits It has natural anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties that help with allergies and colds The soothing properties of mint help calm symptoms of indigestion and nausea It also helps with mental focus and relieving stress Get all the powerful benefits of both patchouli and mint in this one oil O-P714