This regal and aromatic Frankincense and Sandalwood Fragrance transports you to an exotic and luxurious place Frankincense has a long and storied history as a scent In the ancient world it was a precious scent that was highly prized It was a royal scent and used to anoint priests It held a great deal of religious and spiritual meaning Symbolic of protection, spirituality and purification It has been used since ancient time to bring blessings to those anointed with it It is a balsam with a scent that is reminiscent of pine and lemon It is a rich, calming scent that is highly prized for aromatherapy and meditation Feel like royalty and breath in a sacred scent
The deep woody scent of sandalwood has floral notes and rich balsamic accents It is a classic scent that is widely used in perfumes and colognes It helps relieve stress and anxiety It boosts your mood and helps with mental clarity O-F434